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 Personalized Financial Planning For Millennials

As Financial Advisors For Millennials We Help You Create A Detailed Roadmap For Your Financial Future For Less Than Most People Spend On Dining Out 

Make Smart Financial Decisions

Avoid Expensive Mistakes

Connect Your Financial REsources With YOur Hopes For THE Future

Does This Sound Like You?

You are earlier in your career and you may not have a ton of assets saved up yet. But you recognize that doesn't mean your financial planning needs are any less complex. Having to juggle long-term goals such as saving and investing for retirement, with other priorities such as buying a house, paying off student debt, traveling, saving for college, raising a family, and growing your career, feels like a real juggling act. We are here to help you find the right balance so that you can still enjoy your life in the present, without having to sacrifice too much of your future.

The Typical Financial Advisory Firm Is Not Designed To Help Millennials. We Are Here To Change That.

At HCP Wealth Planning, we believe everyone should have access to affordable, comprehensive financial planning from a fiduciary CFP®.  Millennials deserve better than Robo Advisors who give cookie-cutter advice that only focuses on investing. And we don't think it's right that many other advisors charge ridiculous  minimum fees or simply refuse to work with millennials because they don't have enough money to invest yet. So we created our "By the Gig" financial planning packages which are designed specifically to provide comprehensive, unbiased advice to early and middle-career professionals, for an affordable flat fee.

Our Flat Fee "By the Gig" Financial Planning Packages For Millennials Include Multiple Video Meetings With A Fiduciary CFP® To Help You With The Following:

budgeting for millenials

Organize And Track Your Financial Life

If you don't have an easy way to keep track of your savings and investments, insurance coverage, spending, and more, you likely are just left wondering if you are going to be able to achieve your goals, rather than being confident that you will. We will help you organize your entire financial life on a personalized financial portal which will enable you to digitally track your bank and investment accounts, spending, progress towards goals, and more. 

cash flow planning for millenials

Allocate Your Excess Cash Flow

We specialize in creating a road map for your cash flow when you have multiple short and long term goals such as getting married, buying a house, having children, saving for college, saving for retirement, travel, and student loan debt. Based on your priorities will help you determine exactly how much excess cash flow you have and tell you exactly how and where to allocate it.  So you can be sure every hard-earned dollar has a purpose

student loan planning for millenials

Pay Off Student Loan Debt

As Certified Student Loan Professionals®, we are experts in student loan debt strategies.  Many millennials are saddled with student loan debt. We can help you navigate the world of Income-Driven Plans, PSLF, and refinancing so you can be confident that you have chosen the optimal strategy that saves you the most money. *Ask us about how our clients can receive a .50% discount on student loan refinancing rates

insurance planning for millenials

Evaluate Your Insurance Needs

Don't worry, as fee-only financial advisors we don't sell products and we don't receive any compensation or referral fees from any third parties. We simply evaluate your current insurance coverage and tell if you have enough, or if you are paying too much for life, disability, home, auto, and umbrella. If you like, we can refer you to reputable, independent agents who can help you shop for coverage.  

investment planning for millenials

Help You Choose Your Investments

We will help you determine where to allocate your investments in your 401ks or 403bs, IRAs, brokerage accounts, and SEPs and Solo 401ks when appropriate. We will  help you be tax efficient with your investing, and build a solid, diversified approach to saving for your retirement.  

Increase Your Financial Literacy

Our process will be heavy on education. The goal is to help you learn how to manage your investments and your wealth yourself.  Upon completion of our engagement, you will have built a solid foundation of wealth. Our mission is to empower you to properly manage your own finances for years to come, without having to pay thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars a year to a financial advisor.

All Clients Get Free Unlimited Ongoing Access To Our State Of The Art Financial Portal

How It Works

Step 1: Before you sign on as a client. We invite you to schedule a free live video tour of our client experience. During this video-meeting, we will discuss your top financial priorities, identify key areas of your financial life that we need to focus on, and give you a tour of our powerful financial planning technology and client portal.

Step 2: If you decide to become a client, we begin the planning process by helping you organize your finances and creating your personal financial portal.

Step 3:  Next, we determine exactly how much excess cash flow you have after accounting for income, variable expenses, fixed expenses, taxes, and savings. This way we know exactly how much is available to allocate towards your various goals. Many people may find this to be an eye opening experience because they have never seen this completely mapped out for them.  

Step 4: If you have student loan debt, we will also determine the best repayment strategy at this point in the planning process.  (ask us about how our clients can get a .50% discount on student loan refinance rates)

Step 5: We conduct video meetings to explore the possibilities and help you determine where to allocate your excess cash flows towards various goals.  Using screen-sharing technology, we will pull various financial levers in real time to show you how they impact your ability to make work optional AND your ability to achieve any shorter term goals you may have. We will help you evaluate these various scenarios and choose one plan that you feel does the best job of prioritizing your goals. By the end of these meetings, you will be confident that every hard-earned dollar has a purpose. That way you don't end up keeping too much of your savings in cash, or spending too frivolously. 

Step 6: . We will conduct additional meetings to review your life, disability, malpractice, and property and casualty insurance coverage. You can be confident that we ONLY recommend that you consider additional coverage if it is truly in your best interest since we don't receive any compensation for selling products or for referrals. We also review your estate planning needs and make sure that as a young professional, you at least have a basic estate plan in place.

Step 7: We will educate you on how to become a disciplined long term investor so you can avoid making costly mistakes. For your investment savings we will consider pre-tax and post-tax 401k and 403b contributions, traditional and Roth IRAs, back-door Roth IRA's and taxable brokerage accounts. If you are self employed and/or own a business, we will evaluate the use of solo 401ks and SEP IRAs. Based on your situation we will tell you which ones are applicable to you and how much you should save in them. 

Step 8: We will create a final planning document that lists all of the recommendations we made over the course of our meetings and save that document in your secure vault in your client portal. We will help you implement the recommendations. This includes participating in 3-way calls with service providers, and referring you to independent, trusted, insurance and estate planners when necessary.  After implementation you can take advantage of having 90 days of unlimited email and phone follow up if you end up having any additional questions. 

Step 8: You can continue to track your financial life and progress towards your goals in your personal financial portal using our custom app.

Meet Your Financial Advisor

Kevin Burkle, CFP®, CSLP® is the founder and lead financial planner of HCP Wealth. He is a millennial himself and has a soft spot for his generation because he knows first hand the challenges that millennials face when it comes to building wealth. He is on a mission to make truly comprehensive, unbiased financial advice available to anyone, regardless of net worth or stage in life. 

Learn More ABout Kevin Burkle, CFP®, CSLP®


Our "By the Gig" financial planning packages are priced between $500 and $2500 depending on your needs. This fee can be divided up into 6 affordable monthly payments. For less than many millennials spend on dining out each month, you can create a plan to secure your financial future.  There are no long-term commitments and if you decide you need our help again in the future, your price will be lower because we already have your financial life organized in your financial portal. 

Schedule a Free Initial Video Meeting And Earn An Amazon Gift Card 

If you conduct an initial video meeting with us, it won't cost you anything but your time. And we'll even pay you for that! Whether you decide to become a client or not, if you complete our Financial Life Priorities Questionnaire and attend a complimentary video-meeting, we'll email you a $25 Amazon gift card. 

Just Want To Ask Us A Question?

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Check out Nurse Your Wealth: Our free, on demand personal finance modules