Save and Invest Smarter
Minimize Taxes
Optimize Current And Future Income
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*The clients who wrote these reviews were not compensated, nor are there material conflicts of interest that would affect the given testimonials.
Why Trust Me To Help Guide You?

I Guide Travel Nurses Through Two Distinct Phases Of Financial Life Planning. Which One Are You In?
Young Professionals
Make It Grow
The planning experience in this stage is designed for travel nurses who are still working and are being forced to balance multiple financial goals such as retiring as soon as possible, buying a house, paying off student debt, and saving for college, all while growing your assets, family, and your career. I will help you create a plan that grows the wealth you will need to retire early, without having to sacrifice your happiness in the present. We focus on:
- calculating exactly how much to save in which types of accounts
- growing your assets through disciplined investing
- tackling student loans and other debt
- planning for large financial goals such as home purchases, college expenses, weddings, etc
- managing your cash flow
- unbiased 401(k) and 403(b) plan reviews
- organizing your financial life
- making sure you have proper insurance coverage
- managing life transitions such as going back to school, starting a business, or taking a temporary work sabbatical
Make It Flow
This planning experience is designed for those who are in the last stage of their career and are ready to consider what life looks like after work. Retiring in your 40's, 50's, or early 60's is more challenging than retiring when you are already old enough to benefit from Social Security Income, Medicare, and pensions. You need a plan that enables you to create your own paycheck from your assets, before those other benefits kick in later in life. You also need a tax efficient income plan for when you start receiving those benefits. We focus on creating lifetime income and minimizing taxes through:
- future cash flow analysis
- tax minimization
- social security optimization
- healthcare expense planning
- pension option analysis
- unbiased rollover analysis
- strategic withdrawal sequencing
- tax efficient Roth conversion strategies
- strategic asset location
- asset allocation
- portfolio stress-testing
All Clients Get Free Unlimited Ongoing Access To Our State Of The Art Financial Portal
The "Map Your Wealth" Process And Pricing
When I Say Personalized And Comprehensive, I Mean It.
*The "Map Your Wealth" process is extremely thorough. Because of this, I'm only willing to partner with a maximum of four new households per month. So I can't just take on anyone is willing to pay me. If you are considering partnering with me, please be in a place in your life where you have the time and the drive to take a deep dive into the "Map Your Wealth" Process.
Step 1: Getting To Know Each Other (this part is free)
I'll email you a Financial Life Priorities Questionnaire for you to complete. This will help you really think through what your top financial priorities are. Don't worry, I won't force you to provide me with any account balances or financial details yet. We then conduct a complimentary video meeting so we can discuss your questionnaire and goals in more detail. I also share my screen so I can provide a live tour of the "Map Your Wealth" experience. This won't be a canned "strategy session" with a high pressure sales pitch at the end. This first connection simply arms us both with more information so we can begin to determine if we might be a good fit for each other.
Step 2: The Decision
After our initial meeting, I will think long and hard about exactly what I would need to do to help you accomplish everything you are expecting to by hiring a financial advisor. I'll then send you an official client proposal that outlines those steps and provides the flat free price for the planning engagement. If you decide my services are exactly what you are looking for, great! I'll ask you to sign a client agreement and then we will move onto step three. If not, no worries! If you wish, I can refer you to other firms who I think could be a better fit. I only refer to fee-only CFP®s.
Step 3: Organize Your Financial Life
I will provide you with my digital financial organizer. This online tool will make it easy for you to provide me with all of your financial life details. Once you complete it, I will use the provided information to build your own personalized financial portal and electronically sync all your accounts. You will then be able to track your entire financial life 24/7 from any device. We will also use the portal to conduct live planning sessions in the next steps.
Step 4: Review Your Cash Flow and Goals
I will conduct a video meeting where we review all the information in your new client portal. We will then go into much more depth about your goals and how you prioritize them. Next, we take a deep dive into your cash flow. This includes helping you determine your average monthly spending. This meeting results in having a detailed snapshot of where every one of your hard-earned dollars is going NOW. This provides the foundation for determining where each dollar should be directed IN THE FUTURE, to give you the best chance of achieving your goals.
Step 5: Your First Financial Life Levers Meeting
We will conduct multiple live video meetings where I share my screen as we update and compare various planning scenarios in real time. These scenarios are comprised of "financial levers". While it is my job as your advisor to know ahead of time which levers are even applicable to you, you get to steer these conversations. Sure, you want to make sure you have a plan so that you don't run out of money in retirement. And I will be able to show you the likelihood of that happening based on the combination of financial levers we are pulling. But we also don't want to sacrifice too much of what makes you happy in the present. Properly allocating your resources towards both is a balancing act and I'll will guide you through it.
Step 6: Review Investments and Insurance Meeting
This is where we determine exactly how you should be investing in any applicable accounts. For any employer-sponsored plans that you participate in, we will ask you to share your screen as you are logged into those accounts so we can review those plan investment choices, fees and expenses, and resources and help you determine exactly what to do with them.
We will also discuss what type of insurance coverage you should have, and how much. Don't worry, I don't sell insurance or get paid to refer you to anyone who does. So my advice is completely unbiased. But it is my job to know if you are over or under-insured, and to help you shop for the best pricing when it comes to life, property and casualty, disabilty, personal liablility, and any other applicable insurance.
Step 7: Second Financial Life Levers Meeting:
After the first financial life levers meeting, most people need time to digest everything that was discussed. After all, it can be a bit overwhelming to have your entire financial life mapped out in front of you for the first time. And I would never expect you to make any big decisions about your future lives without sleeping on it. This is especially true if you plan with a significant other as it will be important for you two to discuss everything on your own. Most clients end up thinking it over, and wanting to revise the combination of levers that we are pulling in their planning scenarios. So we conduct another meeting to do just that. The goal will be to ultimately drill down to a single combination of levers that gives you the best chance of reaching your financial and non-financial goals. If after this meeting you feel the need for another one, we are happy to oblige.
Step 8: Your Final Plan Summary
We will create and send you a final plan summary. Nope, this won't be a 40-page book of charts and numbers that you end up using as a door stop. It doesn't need to be that long because even after our planning engagement is complete, you will continue to have free access to your client portal and view all the information we have discussed over the course of our meetings. But our summary will provide an easy to digest review of all of the key planning points.
Step 9: Continue to track your financial life and progress towards your goals in your personal financial portal
You will continue to have access to your personalized finanical portal. This means you can continue to leverage the budgeting tool, track your account balances, investments, and net worth, and even access the planning module to "pull on the financial levers" yourself so you can see the results. Don't worry, you can't screw up anything because it won't let you save the results of the changes. But many clients have found it helpful to be able to "play" with the levers on their own.
I charge a simple flat dollar fee ranging from $1800 to $2400 that you would pay over the course of six, equal monthly payments.
No Need To Play Phone Tag
Whether you're ready to schedule a free video meeting so we can get to know each other better and I can provide you a live tour of my client experience, or you just want to chat over an informal phone call to ask me some questions, I encourage you to use my calendar link below so you know exactly when we will be connecting. Most travel nurses who watch this live demo are blown away by what they see.
This won't be a canned "strategy session" with a high pressure sales pitch at the end. This first connection simply arms us both with more information so we can begin to determine if we might be a good fit for each other. If we aren't, I will do our best to refer you to another firm who may serve you better.
View Our Calendar To Schedule A Free Call Or Video Meeting
Even if you decide you aren't ready to partner with me, I will provide with you with some actionable tips to help you improve your financial life.